
Diagnostic Laboratory

  1. The role of Se and vitamin E on ovine and bovine health status.
  2. Fat soluble vitamins (β-carotene, vitamin A and vitamin E) status in sheep and cattle under different feeding system in Greece.
  3. Study of chronic copper poisoning of sheep.
  4. Liquid chromatographic determination of individual taurine-conjugated bile acids in dog serum.
  5. Hematology and serum biochemistry reference range values in large animal (e.g. cattle, sheep, goats, horses, and donkeys).
  6. Hematology and plasma biochemistry reference range values for free-ranging Greek tortoises (Testudo graeca, T. hermanii, and T. marginata).
  7. Hematology and plasma biochemistry reference range values in green iguanas (Iguana iguana).
  8. IFA test – leismaniosis in dogs.

Companion Animal Medicine

  1. House dust mites and canine atopy.
  2. Epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of canine leishmaniosis.
  3. Kidney lesions and antileishmanial treatment.
  4. Evaluation of diagnostic methods and treatment in canine demodicosis.
  5. Treatment methods in canine spirocercosis.
  6. Diagnostic evaluation in acute and chronic monocytic ehrlichiosis.
  7. Canine callus pyoderma and hypothyroidism.
  8. Experimental feline acute pancreatitis.
  9. Clinical markers in testicular interstitial neoplasms in the dog.
  10. Experimental chronic liver disease and trace elements (Fe,Cu,Zn).
  11. Polyarthritis (sterile) and leishmaniosis.
  12. Epistaxis and leishmaniosis.
  13. Conservative treatment in tracheal collapse in the dog.
  14. Diagnostic procedures in canine pyothorax.
  15. Troponins and canine mitral endocardosis.
  16. Intestinal bacterial overgrowth and feline triaditis.
  17. Acute pancreatitis and canine parvoenteritis.
  18. TBFV loop in canine tracheal collapse.

Farm Animal Medicine

  1. Evaluation of the efficacy of in-feed application of probiotics, acidifiers, Origanum essential oils, a-carotens and zeolite on health status and performance of pigs.
  2. Evaluation of the efficacy of the use of vaccines and pharmaceutical products for the control, prevention and therapy of infectious diseases of swine.
  3. Studies on PRRS (porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome), Aujeszky’s disease, and porcine leptospirosis, mycoplasmosis, parvovirus desease, chlamydiasis, proliferative enteropathy and circovirus.
  4. Studies on the causes of mortality of lactating, weaning, growing and fattening pigs in greek industrial pig farms.
  5. Study on biogas production from pig manure and co-digestion (collaboration with the Laboratory of Ecology and Protection of the Environment).
  6. Pilot study on the production of certified pork meat derived from high health status pig farms.
  7. Prevalence of the parasites of dairy cattle in intensive herds (collaboration with the Laboratory of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases).
  8. The relationship between liver enzymes and histological findings in the liver of dairy cattle.
  9. Biochemical blood parameters in dairy cattle.
  10. Study on the effect of Se and vitamine A on the immune system of swine, bovine and small ruminants.
  11. Study on diarrhoea problems of lambs and kids.
  12. Therapeutic approaches on the control of nematode parasites in small ruminants.

Anaesthesia and Intensive Care

Meet the A-ICU


  1. α2-Αdrenergic drugs.
  2. Gastrointestinal complications during general anaesthesia.
  3. Potassium homeostasis in the peri-operative period.
  4. Fracture healing.
  5. Partial or total meniscectomy in the dog.
  6. Lymphatic changes in amputated limp and in neoplasmatic mammary glands in dogs.
  7. Equine conformation as a predisposing factor to orthopaedic diseases.
  8. The use of thermography in the postoperative healing of third carpal fracture in the horse.
  9. Peri-operative analgesia.
  10. Pre-operative fasting.
  11. Relative adrenal insufficiency.
  12. Shock.
  13. Use of Laryngeal Mask Airway.
  14. The effect of skin stretching in closing deficits in limbs.
  15. Joint rheology.
  16. Pancreatic duct lavage in experimental pancreatitis in the rabbits.


  1. Factors influencing fertility (cow, sheep, rabbit).
  2. Fresh and frozen semen preservation and fertilizing capacity (boar, bull, rabbit).
  3. In vitro fertilization and transgenic studies (cow, sheep, rabbit, mouse).
  4. Alternative methods to control various pathological agents affecting reproductive performance in sheep (Maedi-Visna, enzootic abortion).
  5. Advanced techniques to diagnose and treat udder (including teats) health of domestic ruminants.
  6. Improvement of milk quality and quantity (cow, sheep, goat).
  7. Heard health management in dairy ruminants and pigs.
  8. Advanced techniques (ultrasound, Doppler, Echo texture analysis, endoscope) to improve pregnancy diagnosis and health status of the reproductive tract of ruminants.

Exotic and Wildlife Animals

  1. Factors affecting marine mammal mortality.
  2. Ehrlihia infection in wild carnivore populations.

Avian Medicine

  1. Diseases of the digestive system of the commercial poultry flocks
    The effect of stress management factors in the bacterial diseases manifestation of the digestive system of poultry.
    The effect of stress management factors in the parasitic diseases manifestation in the intestinal tract of chickens.
    Investigation of the fungal diseases and mycotoxicosis of farm birds.
  2. Effect of the immunosuppressive diseases in the poultry farms.
  3. Clinical examination and laboratory investigation of diseases at pet birds.